February 2023

Moscow Poly on Communication Platforms

Moscow Poly is represented at all main communication platforms. The University has official communities, channels and pages in such networks as “VK”, “Odnoklassniki”, as well as messengers –“Telegram”, and platforms – RuTube and “Yandex.Dzen”

In the telegram channel, one can keep up with the latest and most important events that are taking place at Moscow Poly, and communicate with students and teachers in special chats.

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The VK community collects all photos from the events and published all articles and news about student activity.

Go to community

RuTube channel holds broadcasts of the Open Day events. There, useful animation videos of admission to Moscow Poly are posted.

Watch videos

At Yandex.Dzen students and teachers may read interesting pieces of advice on various topics and learn more about the best places to rest in Moscow.

Subscribe to the channel

Odnoklassniki platform allows one to learn about the history of the University and how it was founded, find old photos and group mates of the past.

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