February 2022

Moscow Poly Joined “Russian Universities as Suppliers” Network Partnership

The participants of the “Russian Universities as Exporters” network (RUS network) partnership held the 1st meeting in 2022 where they discussed the schedules, development of the first joint digital project - DigitalUni Russian Club educational platform, strategic partnership issues, as well as the initialization of the new events and relevance of the HEI collaboration in promoting Russian education overseas.

“Russian Universities as Suppliers” network was founded at the initiative of the IPR MEDIA enterprises and Center for Linguistic Examination under St. Petersburg State University in 2021. So far, approximately 40 countries joined the network that aims at strengthening international cooperation and identifying leaders among the Russian universities in terms of student engagement. These aims are also set in the “Priority 2030” strategic leadership program.

Natalia Ivanova, the head of the IPR MEDIA enterprises, coordinator of the “Russian Universities as Suppliers”:

“It may not be possible for individual universities to meet the goal to enhance attractiveness on international arena. Network partnership implies joint projects that every University contributes to according to their abilities. These shared efforts help us achieve impressive results.

IPR MEDIA has been working with foreign students over a year now. “Russian as a Foreign Language” program (RUS) has proved its worth among RFL pre-university course teachers, heads of the universities international departments. At the same time, the current guidebooks are not sufficient to build up the desired reputation of the Russian universities abroad. We need to keep declaring ourselves by launching outstanding projects and encourage foreign students to participate in them.

The “DigitalUni Russian Club” platform was founded under the grant provided by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to meet these goals in 2021. Over a 100 000 unique users from all around the world, but mostly from India, Turkey, Egypt, Iraq and Algeria, visit the website every month. This digital resource provides information on the relevant events for the participants of the RUE network. You can find there information about universities and programs they offer, as well as the relevant information for the foreign students. The platform has only been created a few months ago but it has already formed a huge list of students and applicants that allows to effectively inform them about the upcoming events.

I believe that the willing cooperation between the universities striving for the result is the most effective way for universities to enhance their reputation on international arena, win recognition and spark interest among foreign students. With that being said, we invite universities to join RUS network to initiate shared projects, exchange expertise and best practices and solve such global issues as popularization of the Russian language and culture around the world.

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