October 2023

Moscow Poly Isle Visited by Over 3000 People at “Education and Career” Exhibition

Moscow Poly participated in 57th Moscow International Exhibition – Education and Career. The event took place on October 27-28 at the “Gostiny Dvor” complex.

Over the 2 days of the event, over 3000 people visited the University isle.

There, the guests learnt about the pre-university training, admission rules passing scores educational programs peculiarities of studying at the University, and especially about the project activity.


The University consultants – Moscow Poly staff and students answered all questions about dormitories scholarships lab equipment, as well as the cultural and social life of the faculties and the University as whole. Among other things, the University presented the latest developments by the young researches.

The guests of the exhibition were interested in passing scores, military deferment, continued education programs and individual achievements that the University takes into consideration.

Alongside with that, Moscow Poly isle held various workshops in resin casting, environment and etc. The guests had an opportunity to make their own souvenirs.


The attention of the guests was drawn to various elaborations made by researchers and students of the University, among them were the “Guepard” quad bike, modernized “Marussia” sport car and the first ever Russian photo-polymer 3D printer.


Those who couldn`t make it to this exhibition are invited to join the next Open Day event that will take place on November 11.

Enrollees can find the relevant information in the“Admission”section.

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