How do I apply without admission exams? What`s so special about educational process at Moscow Poly? Why don`t students skip PE classes? Apllicants got answers to all of these questions at Moscow Poly Open Day event that was held on 19 February.
Guzel Sharipzyanova, the vice-president for research and development, spoke on the project activity at the University and explained how students can start cooperating with the potential employees starting from the year 1.
After that, Alexandra Petrichenko and Alexandra Shilova, the members of the admission committee, announced that the admission rules will change starting from 1 March, and the list of the scientific achievements will be expanded. In addition to that, participants figured out how to enroll at a university without admission exams.
Alexander Pleshakov, the head of the “Physical Education” department spoke about how to pass credits in PE classes and what sport sections Moscow Poly has.
Freshman, in their turn, gave their feedback after their first session, as well as several pieces of advice to the future students on how to successfully pass exams. It turned out, nothing is as scary as it seems.
The new industrial partner – Moscow Analytical Center was presented at the event. Evgeny Balashov, the head of the center, shared what he expects from this cooperation and what are the crucial skills that Moscow Poly students possess.
The broadcast ended up with a new “Basic Digital Design” online course that was announced. The course starts on 25 February and is available for everybody.
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Missed the Moscow Poly Open Day broadcast? You can watch it here.