Students enrolled in the 1st year to Moscow Poly under the full-time form of education falling under the welfare beneficiaries group will be able to choose dormitories according to the following schedule:
From 12:00 19 August to 21 August 12:00 – for enrollees enrolled to the University without the entrance examination, whose average point is over 85, the minimum set by the University loyalty program.
From 12:00 23 August to 12:00 25 August – for enrollees admitted to the University before 20 August 2022 who have a permanent registration beyond Moscow small ring road (if places are available).
From 12:00 2 September to 12:00 4 September – for enrollees admitted to the University before 31 August who have a permanent registration beyond Moscow small ring road (if available).
From 12:00 13 September to 12:00 14 September – for enrollees admitted before 14 September 2022 who have a permanent registration beyond Moscow small ring road (if available places).
The dormitory can only be chosen after:
Enrollee sign the declaration on infectious diseases not later than the day before choosing the dormitory;
- Provided the confirmation that the provided documents certifying belonging of the enrollee to the welfare beneficiary group (if applicable);
If the enrollee failed to do that in time, they are allowed to choose the dormitory during the next period according to the schedule.
Procedure for Choosing Dormitories
The student should choose the preferable dormitory out of the list of the dormitories available for accommodation and confirms their choice by pressing “Apply”. Having pressed “Apply” the student is not able to change their decision anymore. In case the student doesn`t choose the dormitory, dormitory administration employees will do that instead of them.
Having chosen the dormitory the students will get the information about the number of their dormitory, their room number and the date of placement.
The actual placement to dormitories will take place in the period between 1 to 14 September (a week before the additive course for the admitted students start and not later than the beginning of the academic year).
Medical Certificates
First-year students will have to upload the following medical certificates to the “Details about the Admitted” section not later than 14 days after their dormitory placement:
- fluorography certificate;
- dermatovenerologic dispensary certificate;
- RW HIV and RW results.
Dermatovenerologic dispensary certificate and HIV and RW results shouldn’t be dated later than 1 month before the date of provision, whereas fluorography certificate – not later than 6 months. The certificates in foreign languages shall come together with their notarized translation into Russian.
Residential Lease Agreement
The residential lease agreement shall be signed by the resident in student`s personal account using the electronic signature before being placed to the dormitory.
Students under 18 can enter into the residential lease agreement under the condition of providing one of the following documents:
- the consent by the legal representative for entering in the residential lease agreement;
- guardianship and custodianship service provision or court decision for announcing the under-age students fully legally capable.
The consent should come with a legal representative`s passport copy and under-age student`s birth certificate. The set of the documents specified above shall be provided online in student personal account.
Before entering into the residential lease agreement the student should familiarize themselves with the internal regulations, safety and fire prevention measures, otherwise the residential lease agreement can`t be signed.