February 2022

Moscow Poly Celebrated the Russian Science Day

On a celebration day an online “”Effective learning: data analysis, memory work and cognitive science” lecture was held by Vyacheslav Kuzmin, the candidate of psychological sciences, practicing psychologist and a blogger. He spoke about information systematization, gave some advice on how to boost one`s motivation to study, work on their memory and master ‘TheBrain’ program. Vyacheslav also answered the questions from online participants. The recording of the online event is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFTNScDyix8&feature=youtu.be

It is worth mentioning that during the lecture 3 sets of prizes were awarded: one for the best question, one for the best comment. The last set went to the most active participant of the conference.

In addition to that, congratulations from representatives of both Russian and foreign science communities were aired later that day.

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