October 2022

Moscow Poly Board of Supervisors Approved Reports on University Performance

Moscow Poly held a meeting with the Board of Supervisors headed by the president of Russian Book Union Sergei Stepashin where the reports on Moscow Poly performance in the period between 2018 and 2022 were heard, as well as the University development program implementation under the “Priority 2030” and establishing an Advanced Engineering School (AES) for electrical transport.

Among the participants of the proceeding were the deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the “AvtoTor” investment group board of directors president Vladimir Scherbakov and others.

The president Vladimir Miklushevskii has reported before those present on Moscow Poly performance in the period between 2018 and 2022, and shared the plans until 2028. He reminded about the condition the University was in 5 years ago when Vladimir took up the leading role and noted that the anti-crisis program was essential back then.


“We had to fix all at once”, - emphasized Vladimir Miklushevskii.

Back then, there were 20 projects implemented under the University development program that touched upon all spheres of performance: education, science and innovations, managing system and digital transformation, as well as the university environment. The president highlighted that participation and contests of “Priority 2030” and AES gave the team a great stimulus to improve the development program.

When it came to education, the head of the University cited the following: the number of talented students (with high grade points, diplomas with honors, Olympiad winners) has grown from 595 (in 2018) to1,253 (2022). The grade point average of state-funded students has reached 76,17 from 71,77.

Describing the plans for the future Vladimir Miklushevskii said:

“For the nearest future we have outlined the development of the three clusters: electrical car manufacturing, intellectual systems (unmanned vehicles) and robotics. We intend to adjust all educational technologies in possession to comply with these goals. Another goal that the University sets before itself is sustainable interaction with industry that implies teaching the knowledge and skills only that the employers demand”.

Upon completion of the report, the president of the Board of Supervisors Sergei Stepashin suggested nominating Vladimir Miklushevskii for the position of the University president for the next term that has been unanimously approved.


The vice-president for research and elaborations Anton Nalivaiko has delivered a report on implementation of Moscow Poly development program held under the “Priority 2030” strategic academic leadership for 2022. The vice-president has talked on the transformations that happened to the University in education, scientific-research policy and human resource management.

In particular, he noted that the support to the project activity that may now be called the University calling card. Today, 100% full-time students are engaged in the project activity. It also takes up to 10% of the workload in the new curriculums.

The University has established Centers for Career and Employment, technology transfer, accessing and forming professional competencies, the “AvtoNet” infrastructure center, as well as the robotics industrial complex. In addition to that, the Committee for Science and Innovations, four united scientific technical committees, and an internal “Technopark” for the labs that the University shares with its industrial partners started their work.

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