April 2022

Moscow Poly Became Venue for ‘Total Dictation’

In 2022, the ‘Total Dictation’ educational action was held on April 9. Citizens from around 50 Russian settlements, as well as foreign citizens of 40 countries from around the world joined the event. Online-event was available for everybody from anywhere in the world.

This year, the Dictation was held at 222 offline venues in Moscow, and Moscow Poly became one of them. At our University, the dictation was read out by the Russian stage and theatre actress, Maria Shumakova.

The text for the action was prepared by writer Marina Stepnova who prepared the work entitled the ‘900th’. Within the framework of the project, Moscow students had to write down the third chapter of ‘The Storm’. The story tells about a boy from Voronezh: how he prepares for his first love.

The photos of the event are available in our official VK photo album.

The participants will be able to find out the results in their personal accounts on the official ‘Total Dictation’ website on April 25. 

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