“Marussia GT” sport car has taken part in Russian Endurance Challenge 2022 race for endurance. The tracks took place at the Moscow Raceway in the framework of Russia Endurance Challenge for the revived lines. The REC organizer, Igor Ermilin, one of the founders of the Marussia car brand answered all questions about the possibilities for project revive and what role the University engineers take in the faith of the prototype in Moscow Poly Autonet group.
– What differs Marussia GT from the previous super cars of the brand in terms of technical parameters?
– Marussia GT was initially designed as a race car. The whole project was based on the idea of producing race cars and, on the one hand, and cars “for people”, on the other. The racing concept of Marussia GT laid the basis for all cars of the brand, however when producing the version for public roads the priority was given to the comfort of passengers. From the technical point of view, Marussia GT uses the racing components. The power unit, gearbox, braking system, ergonomics elements, such as pilot seats, seatbelts, as well as the fire extinguishing system – all of that is attribitutes of a race car that participates in the race. That is the main difference between Marussia GT from the previous cars.
– Moscow Poly became the engineering premise. Why exactly Moscow Poly?
– I am connected enough to the University [Moscow Poly]. I studied the “Automobiles” program (back then the University was called MAMI) and graduated in 1975. I stayed in touch with the University teachers, including Valery Seliphonov that has after many years asked me to hold a consultation for a team of students and share my experience with them. Back then the guys only started implementing the Formula Student project within the University and preparing the car for participation in Formula Student international competition. That is how I met the director of the Advanced Engineering School under Moscow Poly, Pablo Iturralde. We have been cooperating with Moscow Poly since then, and that lead to the idea to revive Marussia GT project, prepare it for racing, step up shared efforts to improve and get the car to the start line for the Russian Endurance Challenge 2022.
– What have you managed to achieve within Moscow Poly walls and what are the plans for the future?
– In the framework of cooperation with Moscow Poly we have got Marussia GT to meet the modern standards and regulations. We had to carry out some cosmetic repairs with the car and adjust it to the modern technical requirements. Power units that we thought of back in 2010 were only installed now. The situation is the same when it comes to the racing gearbox. It simply didn`t exist back then that`s why we were only able to fit it into the car now. So far, there is a certain amount of testing that has been carried out and that allowed us to modernize the engine-cooling system, and to improve aerodynamic characteristics.
– Is it possible to say that the result that Marussia GT showed during the endurance race is a so-called prologue for the revival of the Russian mass production super car?
– The interest to Marussia in general, as well as Marussia GT in particular is really high. The biggest part of the public has a positive attitude towards the project and are sorry that the project is not currently developed. Theoretically speaking it`s possible to assume that a successful appearance [of the car] on the roads and in media will spark fresh interest to such projects. Everything is possible, so is the production of sport cars in Russia.