“Crocus Expo” hosts Moscow International Educational Exhibition (MMCO-EXPO) from 6 till 8 of October. Moscow Poly will participate in the event.
The basis of the event is dedicated to the questions of modern education, science and technologies. The participants of MMCO will be able to visit entertaining master-classes and attend fascinating lectures.
Moscow Poly representatives will take part in the following panel discussions in the terms of the agenda:
- Guzel Sharipzyanova, the Vice-President for Academic Work – “New educational products: responding to the challenges of the new reality”;
- Ilya Krasilnokov, the Vice-President for Digital Development – “Import substitution in Higher Education: globalization borders”;
- Urii Anfimov, the Responsible Secretary of Admission Campaign – “Who, how and why chooses to get a degree: the experience of the President’s office”.
The event is held in mixed format. If you want to visit MMCO personally, then:
- complete online-registration on the website and note “offline-participation”:
- show QR-code, providing access to public events, on the registration desk in “Crocus Expo”.
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