December 2024

More than 330 students considered managing sustainable development of Russia at Moscow Polytech

In total, more, than 400 people, among whom 338 are students, took part in XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Managing Sustainable Development of Russia under the Conditions of Digital Transformation” named after Honored Scientist of RF V.I.Kravtsova. At the sections there were present the representatives of scientific and educational organizations of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Syria, Bangladesh, Iran, Kenya, Albania, Haiti, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra-Leone, UAE, as well of such Russian universities, as MSU named after Lomonosov, RANEPA, PRUE named after Plekhanov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, RSHU, HSE, RUDN University and others.

The main topic of the presentations made at the conference, was dedicated to joining the forces of scientific community and business for the solution of fundamental problems of sustainable development of social and economic potential of Russia.

“Sustainable Development: Ecology and Economics” – such a report was presented by Vladimir Zakharov, Professor, Head of the Center of Sustainable Development and Health of Environment of the Institute of Biology Development named after N.K. Kol’tsov of RAS, Member of the interdepartmental working group under the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation on issues related to climate change and sustainable development, Winner of the Russian Government Prize in Science and technology for the development of the concept of environmental health.

Chief Researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Department “World Economics” of the Russian Humanitarian University, Professor Oleg Sukharev, dedicated his presentation to digital technologies and Artificial Intelligence: to problems and solutions.

Professor of the Department of Management of Moscow Polytechnic University, Honorary Chemist of Russia Valeriy Tumin read out his report “Production. A Human Being. Sustainable Development”.

Professor Sergey Nikanorov, Director of the Center for the Study of Economic Problems of Arctic Development, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician of the Public Russian Ecological Academy, expert of the PORA in the field of sustainable development; expert of the Russian Federation, member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor Nikolay Katanayev shared with the listeners the problems of fundamental theory of controllability and stability of organizational, economical, and technical systems.

Olga Rozhnova, Professor of Audit and Corporate Reporting Department of the Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, reported on the topic “Reporting on Sustainable Development in terms of digital transformation: tendencies, problems and prospects”.

In addition, Elena Gerasimova, Professor of Business Analytics Department of the Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, told about standardization of analytical activity in the paradigm of digital economics.

Resalat Abu Mohhmad Mohiuddin, a Co-founder and International Director of “Russian on the Go”, Director of “Techsfera Limited” (Bangladesh) presented the report “Development of Digital Skills for Sustainable Workforce”.

Students’ scientific and technical reports were heard at seven thematic sections after the plenary session. A collection of scientific reports will be published based on the results of the conference.

Reference: Valentina Ivanovna Kravtsova (1936-2011) – an outstanding specialist in the sphere of economics, organization, management, Doctor of Economics, the Academician of four International public academies, a known scientist and an educator, Professor, a Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Award in the field of education (2004) for “Comprehensive study "Innovative model and system of advanced training of specialists for the competitive development of Russia in the 21st century”. Since 1922 worked at Moscow State Technical University “MAMI” in the position of Head of Marketing and Management Department, combining the work in this position with the work of Rector of the Institute of World Economy (1994-2003).

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