July 2021

Meeting with Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Moscow Poly organized a video-conference with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro!

Belukov Sergei, the Dean of the Chemical technology and Biotechnology Faculty and the Head of the Refrigeration Equipment and Technologies and Environmental Support Systems Department, met with Professor Jose Orlando Gomes, Professor Titular at Industrial Engineering Department at UFRJ and International Ergonomics Association President, professor Mario Vidal, professor Titular and Head of Ergonomics Laboratory at Production Engineering/Post Graduation Engineering Program and professor Fábio Krykhtine, Adjunct Professor at Industrial Engineering Department.

They have discussed the future cooperation between the Universities in the fields of technospheric safety, renewable energy sources and bio-fuel production. The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro representatives expressed their interest in the educational and research cooperation with Moscow Poly in the terms of joint research programs, student and professor exchange.

Thanks to the interpretation, provided by the Exchange Programs Department, the meeting was quite fruitful and both parties were satisfied with its results.

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