November 2020

Lecture with Robert Lockard

A space bridge lecture on: “How to move with the times in the constantly changing IT-world?” with Robert Lockard, one of the best cyber security specialist in the world. Robert spoke about the latest tendencies in the field of cyber security, about new IT-technologies and requirements for the IT-specialists in employment.

In the first place the lecture was aimed at the education of future IT-specialists whose goal is constant personal and professional development. Based on his professional experience, Robert shared his way of thinking that helped him to build such a career.

In order to build a personal perspective, Robert suggested a simple task t- to imagine the perfect world in 20 years from now with all the technological trends. This type of a perspective is a base for personal development planning for years to come.

“What do you need to achieve for this future in 10 years? In 5years? Inayear? What do you need to do now?” – all these questions will help to set the course of student`s professional development. Robert suggests using this practice of self-development on a lifelong basis, altering personal views depending on accumulated knowledge in order to stay in demand on the labor market.

He explains the success pattern of entrepreneurs on examples of Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Larry Ellison, adding that a special “vision” in accordance with individual`s inner values can help to move forward and even change the world around.

Audience members from different Universities thanked the IT Department of Moscow Polytechnic University for the possibility to interact with a world-class expert.

The IT Department of the Moscow Polytechnic University is planning to cooperate with Moscow State University in the implementation of joint activities.

The lecture is available on the official YouTube-channel of Moscow Polytechnic University.



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