June 2024

Launch of the open competition of grants named after P.L. Kapitsa for young scientists in the framework of “Priority 2030”.

Moscow Polytech invites young scientists under the age of 39 to participate in the competitive selection for grants named after P.L.Kapitsa. The competition is carried out in the framework of the program of strategic academic leadership “Priority 2030” and it is held for the third time.

The competition is held in the framework of the following areas of promising and strategic projects, approved by the decision of the Academic Council of the University:

- Electric Vehicle Industry

- Sensor Technologies

- Intelligent Control Systems

- Software for Technical Systems

- Highly Automated Mechanical Engineering

Requirements for the participants of the Competition and terms of the grant:

Citizenship: The Russian Federation, foreign citizens;

Age: up to and including 39 years

Academic degree of Candidate/Doctor of Sciences or a degree of PhD, obtained from a Russian or a foreign university;

The level of the Hirsch index (h–index) according to the “Scopus” database: not less than 3;

Moscow Polytech has not been the main place of work of the candidate within the last 12 months on the date of the announcement of the competitive selection;

Knowledge of the Russian language for foreign citizens not lower than ТРКИ-2 (В2).

The application can be submitted on the competition portal of Moscow Polytech until August 13, 2024.

For more details on the terms of the competition, please refer to the annexes attached to the material.

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