November 2024

Internship at Moscow Polytechnic University: What is It Like and What is It For?

All university applicants know that when they become students, they will attend lectures and seminars, take tests and pass exams. However, for many first-year students it becomes a discovery that internships are a mandatory part of higher education. They help students to strengthen their knowledge on the job practice, develop and sharpen their professional skills. That is why Moscow Polytech pays great attention to their implementation.

"Internship is an important part of the educational process for students,"says Evgenia Korshunova, Head of the Internship Department at Moscow Polytechnic University. "There are several types of internships, depending on the curriculum and specialty of students."

Here are the main types of internships:

- Training Internship. Usually held at the beginning of the course and is aimed at introducing students to the very basics of the profession.

- Project Internship. It helps the student to obtain primary skills of participation in the implementation of project tasks (projects).

- Research Internship. It is oriented towards students engaged in scientific activities. They participate in research, conduct experiments, analyse data with the help of mentoring scientists.

- Pre-diploma Internship. Takes place before writing a final graduation thesis. Students work on real projects and get an opportunity to deepen their knowledge in their chosen field.

- Industrial Internship, compulsory for everyone. This is an internship at companies, where students apply the knowledge they have gained at university and gain experience of working in real working conditions. In addition, it is industrial practice that can help students to establish contacts in their industry, which can be useful when looking for a job after graduation.

"In the 2023/2024 academic year, more than 4,000 students of Moscow Polytech completed Industrial Internships, 85% of them worked at specialised enterprises, and every year we try to increase this percentage," says Evgenia Korshunova.

Each faculty and institute of Moscow Polytech has its own pool of industrial partners, where groups of students undergo internships annually.

Mikhail Lukyanov, Head of Transport Faculty Students' Internships, emphasises that during their studies students of the Faculty undergo internships and practices in leading manufacturing, design and high-tech companies and government agencies, such as NAMI, KAMAZ, Mosgortrans, Almaz Antey, Cyclone, SBERAVTOTECH, VR-Technologies, Artemy Lebedev Studio and many others.

"The knowledge and skills they acquire enable them to build successful careers in engineering, construction, industrial and transport design, logistics and production management, as well as to fulfil themselves in the civil service and as managers of high-tech industries and enterprises," he notes.

Among the main Internship Partners of the Faculty of Information Technologies are: Sberbank, Yandex.Technologies, Nanosoft Development, NAMI, Applied Robotics.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: ODK (United Engine Corporation), Rubin Aviation Corporation, Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Centre, Moskvich, Energia Rocket and Space Corporation, ZiO-Podolsk Machine Building Plant, Scherbinsk Elevator Plant, Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering Corporation (MIT), Almaz Scientific Production Association.

Faculty of Urban Studies and Urban Economy: Samolet Group, Moscow United Energy Company, MPE LLC, Mospromexpert, Mosenergo, Rosseti Moscow Region.

Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology: Federal Research Centre of Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and Biotechnology, Kurchatov Institute, Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Federal Labour and Employment Service, Krasnozavodsk Chemical Plant, Federal Research and Production Centre "Research Institute of Applied Chemistry", Krasnoarmeysk Research Institute of Mechanisation, Shchelkovo Biocombinat.

Faculty of Economics and Management: Sberbank, Technopark Mosgormash, Mosgortrans, Advertising and Publishing Agency MAKSIM LLC, VB Tech LLC.

Polygraphic Institute: JSC Krasnaya Zvezda, Format LLC, Mozhaisky Polygraphic Complex, Stolitsa Upackovki Company, Prime Print Moscow, Kappa Rus.

Institute of Publishing and Journalism: Union of Printing Industry Enterprises, Eksmo Publishing House, AST Publishing House, Book Industry Company, Biblio-Globus Trading House, Komsomolskaya Pravda Publishing House.

And students of the V.A. Favorsky Institute of Graphic Arts and Book Art. The students of the V.A. Favorsky Institute of Graphic Arts and Book Art undergo special production practice - they paint at open airs.

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