February 2022

Ilya Krasilnikov hosted a “Big Data in Education” discussion

Within the framework of the Xth Winter School for Teachers 2022-2030 a discussion on subject “Data in Education: compilation, analytics, transparency and security” was held. Vice-presidents for digitalization, teachers in the sphere of higher and secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation and Former Soviet Union countries took part in the event. They discussed the matters related to what data should be gathered and why, what are the correct methods of data processing, what BigData means for each individual teacher and whether we should fear digital transparency and cybersecurity issues it causes, etc.

Ilya Krasilnikov, vice-president for digital development at Moscow Poly, took the role of a mediator in this discussion.

Ilya pointed out that today universities are transforming their digital policies and pondered upon what should be considered digital maturity. He noted that the individual educational trajectories is a crucial direction in the sphere of education development and contemplated as to what data do universities use to build these individual trajectories.

To conclude the discussion Ilya paid emphasis to the importance of a feedback when applying data: “Implementation of data-based management is our mainstream direction to follow if we want to make the environment at universities comfortable for students and teachers. Our goal is to help students, teachers and the management staff receive the necessary feedback from data implementation at universities”.

School for teachers is an international online-conference that is held twice a year – in January and June. It is organized by the “Urait” platform. The venue allows teachers, heads of the educational institutions, representatives of the state education administration authorities, as well as Edtech students to speak up.

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