All-Russian Scientific Online Conference with international participation Individualization and Personalization in Modern Education, organized by Uright.Academy with the support of Moscow Poly, Moscow Pedagogical State University, Tomsk State University, Tomsk Polytechnic University and other universities. More than 1600 professors from all Russia and neighboring countries took part in the Conference.
The panel discussion “Individuality in the age of digital education: new services, technologies, approaches” took place in the terms of the Conference. During the discussion leading experts discussed interrelation between individualization and digital transformation.
Ilya Krasilnikov, the Vice-President for Digital Development, elaborated on the experience in individual education development at Moscow Poly. According to him, even a single change is either impossible or non-efficient without digital transformation.
“In the terms of one discipline, one professor and even one class different students receive new knowledge in different ways thanks to technologies. The most important thing for all of them is to acquire the necessary amount of knowledge they are ready to acquire this very moment and to enjoy the education process in the same time”, – says Ilya Krasilnikov.
In order to implement this scenery, we need digitalization: “Digital technologies can help to implement education personalization and ensure comfortable life of a university without heavy cost increases”.
The Vice-President also paid attention to students themselves: “Our students seek for digitalization, as it is a basic need for them”.
Ilya Krasilnikov concluded: “Small points on standalone basis won’t make a difference, but they are really efficient altogether. Life won’t become easier, but our professors feel comfortable to use new things. It means that these professors and their efforts have made something more possible”.
The speech of Ilya Krasilnikov has received warm welcome from the participants and a lot of professors shared his point of view. Such discussions open new horizons of networking cooperation and partnership between leading Russian universities.