November 2023

Hearing for V2X – Moscow Polytech Proposes Neural Networks to Solve Road Safety Problems

Yury M. Furletov, Dr.-Ing. (Doctor of Engineering), assistant professor at Moscow Polytech, research supervisor in the framework of the International Olympiad by the Association “Global Universities” (Open Doors), winner of the government program “Global Education”, participant in the intellectual and sports reality show “Vyzov” (“Challenge”).

How to reduce the number of road traffic accidents when the transport fleet is growing? What technologies can help to solve this problem today? Yury Furletov, assistant professor at Moscow Polytech and one of the developers of the innovative safety system “Hearing for V2X”, answered these and many other questions. The new technology is intended to analyze environment at the crossroads using microphones in real time and transfer the acoustic data to vehicle drivers via V2X technology (Vehicle-to-Everything). In a podcast launched in the framework of the project “3.14 Future Has Come” with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Yury told about the technology that can change our future as early as now. He shared the information about what tracking systems are there on the crossroads and what they are equipped with, what they are needed for and why it`s the microphones that can help reduce the traffic load during peak hours, and when the given technology is expected to be introduced to the city crossroads.

V2X is an intelligent system that allows vehicles to communicate with each other and the road infrastructure, including systems of crossroad management via using a set of secondary devices for monitoring and control, such as cameras and radars. Together with a team of engineers from Moscow Polytech, Yury Furletov proposes using the microphones as an analogue to human hearing. This innovative technology is aimed at ensuring the safety on the roads, which will contribute to sustainable development of the transport system.

You can learn more about Yury Furletov`s spheres of interest in his research profile on the Moscow Polytech’s “Open Doors” website. View priority research areas of Moscow Polytech, including for Advanced Engineering School of Electric Transport (AES), and use the opportunity of free education with Moscow Polytech!

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