Head of Moscow Poly Pablo Iturralde Took Part in Discussing New Russian Car

The head of Moscow Poly Advanced Engineering School Pablo Iturralde participated in “Brand New Russian Car in Four Years: Myth or Reality” discussion. The conference was held by “MK” and “AvtoVzglyad” portal. The full interview can be found here.
According to Pablo Iturralde, Russian automotive industry has for the first time faced a task of manufacturing passenger vehicle.
“In fact, there are many engineers in Russia. The question is about the resources necessary for the production and implementation of the idea, that is the business. To make it clear. It took 2 billion euros back in time to produce a small mass line Fiat 500. Same referred to Aurus. So, if desired and upon proper financing everything I spossible. I`m working with a lot of talented young people. You can achieve anything if there is an opportunity to create and not a necessity to survive”, - shared the expert.
Pablo thinks that it may not take long for the Russian automotive industry to ramp up. Because in fact, no new car generation is ever produced fr om scratch. In majority of cases, what takes places is a mere improvement of a technical parameters of the cars that are currently produced and “packing” them into a new design. In addition to that, according to Pablo, there is no point in pursuing a 100% localization of a vehicle. Such an approach can postpone the release date for decades.
“Take, for example, any Mercedes. If we study the “contents” it turns out that it is at best 40% German. Other components are produced around the globe. And this is how it is with pretty much every car brand. Producing a Russian car with a 40% localization within 3-4 years is more than real. But chasing after the 70% localization like in Iran, that makes the release dates near 2030”, - thinks Moscow Poly representative. “It doesn`t make a big difference where the components are produced, the point is that the elaboration will be ours”.
Read the full interview here.