We invite everyone to sign up for new additional professional education programs at Moscow Poly.
The goal of the program is to give you all competences, indispensable for implementing new types of activity concerning with printing products’ graphic design.
If you have a higher or secondary education or currently getting a higher or secondary vocational education, this program is suitable for you.
After the program mastering you will acquire the following skills and knowledge:
- KNOW: principles and ways of creative design; basics of typography, printing technique, ornamental and illustrative book design; design and art styles;
- TO BE ABLE TO: process text an imagery information with the use of modern technical and software processing apps in order to ensure the information availability for further polygraphic reproduction; formulate a project idea as a sketch, choose polygraphic means during the design process, given the final (polygraphic) result;
- MASTER: methods of printing techniques particularities complex evaluation and graphic design, methods of graphics application in the terms of project work of a graphic designer.
The program duration is 720 academic hours. Cost: 165 000 RUB.
The goal of the program is to formulate professional skills and in the field of “Quick design drawing (sketching)”.
If you have a higher or secondary education or currently getting a higher or secondary vocational education, this program is suitable for you.
After the program mastering you will acquire the following skills and knowledge:
- KNOW: several quick ways to sketch a life model; particularities of different drawing materials; main graphic techniques, material and instruments; graphic possibilities, techniques and ways of its use in different types of graphic design;
- TO BE ABLE TO: formulate a project idea as a sketch; formulate a project idea as a sketch, choose polygraphic means during the design process given the final result; use different drawing materials; determine the relevance of different techniques in the terms of a certain design task;
- MASTER: methods of graphics application in the terms of project work of a graphic designer.
The program duration is 260 academic hours. Cost: 130 000 RUB.