June 2024

“Graduates in High Demand” – On Refrigeration Day Moscow Polytech Discusses Prospects and Problems of Industry

On 26 June, World Refrigeration Day, Moscow Polytech discussed the staffing problem that the industry faces with. Specialists delivered their speeches where the especially highlighted the importance and necessity of profession of refrigeration specialist and invited enrollees to apply for this specific program. The meeting was broadcasted in the Internet and allowed for participation of online speakers. In total, 10 speakers delivered their reports in the framework of the conference.


Moscow Polytech vice-president for academic affairs Gyuzel Sharipzyanova and the board chairman of “Rossoyuzkholodprom” Yury Dubrovin opened up the official part of the event.

“For Moscow Polytech, celebration of World Refrigeration Day is an old good tradition. Of course, our team, teaching staff works in favor of the industry, and utterly and completely devotes itself to ensuring a promt career guidance for the enrollees and shares the prospects that this industry provides”, vice-president for academic affairs Gyuzel Sharipzyanova says.

In the course of discussion, experts paid attention to a significant progress in improving the technological basis of Moscow Polytech and its industrial partners. Thus, in the end of June the department of “Low Temperature Technology” n.a. P.L.Kapitsa established a center equipped with modern climate-control equipment. The key distinguishing feature of the lab is that it takes into consideration all types of various systems of ventilation, air-conditioning and maintaining micro-climate in residential houses, offices and enterprises. 

“We`d like Rossoyuzkholodprom and our industrial partners to help us promote this area, since the demand for graduates is just huge. We can see that! The employment rate of our graduates is 100%. Moreover, they start working as early as during the 3rd and 4th years of study”, noted the head of P.L. Kapitsa department of “Low Temperature Technology” Dmitry Nekrasov.

The participants also discussed development prospects of in refrigeration industry between Russia and India. Thus, according to professor Millind Atrey, graduates in India unlike in Russia, have troubles finding a job in the industry.


“As I see it, the problem is about salary as it`s not as high as in other spheres. That`s wahy it`s so easy to lure students to other field areas. India is yet to solve this problem. We are to attract and engage our students in the future”, said professor, IAC representative Millind Atrey.

Right after the conference, Moscow Polytech held a tour around labs for the guests of the University.


For reference: celebrations of World Refrigeration Day on June 26 is commemorated to the birthday anniversary of a famous scientists – lord Kelvin. It was him who created an absolute temperature scale. And after almost 200 years, Steven Gill proposed an initiative to celebrate the holiday. At Moscow Polytech, professional training in the sphere of refrigeration, cryogenics and climate-control is carried out by the P.L. Kapitsa department of “Low-Temperature Technology”. The department is established in 1944 per initiative of the Soviet physicist, Nobel Prize laureate Petr Kapitsa.

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