November 2024

“Donor’s Day” action to be held at Moscow Polytech

On December 03 at Moscow Polytech there will be held a charity action “Donor’s Day”. The action Motto is: “Donate blood today — save a life tomorrow!” The organizers will be the activists of the student’s association “Moscow Polytech Curators”.

In addition to the University students and staff the other volunteers are invited, those living over the territory of Russia for more than one year (for the external visitors check-in is open until 12 p.m. on November 29).

For donors the monetary compensation for nutrition is envisaged, also for every one of them will be given a certificate for two days-off on a donation day and any other else. Besides that, the participants will be engaged in the gifts lottery. The organizers will identify the winners on a “Donor’s Day” at 11 a.m.

The blood collection will take place on December 3 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the following address: Bolshaya Semyonovskaya, Bld.38 (room Б-303). You ought to bring your passport and SNILS, and before coming to check-in obligatory.

The organizers remind you about the correctness of preparing for the donation: rest, nutrition, and medication regime. For more details on recommendations, please refer to the web site. In addition, it is necessary to familiarize oneself with contraindications with donations.

Besides that, the action participants will be able to enter the Federal Register of Bone Marrow Donors

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