Discussions of Key Challenges to Russian Science and Education Were Held at Moscow Poly
On March 25, the assistant deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation Antonii Schvindt delivered a speech at Moscow Poly. He hosted a lecture entitled “New Challenges to Education, Science and Professional Training”, visited the University labs and talked to students.
The speaker talked on what students, who came, study and noted that the first degree himself got was in engineering.
Antonii started his lecture on how to keep up with the fast advancing future with the specific cases of discruptive development of AI technologies.
He talked on a consistent transition to a new national system of higher education, and how the projects of import phase-out for the industrial software is planned to be implemented. Together with those present, Antonii Nikolaevich discussed the benefits of digital departments, as well as demanded programs and opportunities that the students have, such as “Games of the Future” and “Accelerator New Staff”.
The event has sparked great interest among students. After the presentation, the audience asked various questions about the start of the career and shared their impressions.
Antonii Nikolaevich thanked students for their active participation and encouraged them to not be afraid of to share their ideas directly by contacting him in social networks, for instance.
Apart from that, during his visit to Moscow Poly, Antonii Schvindt met the University president Vladimir Miklushevskii and vice-president for development of further professional training and cooperation with partners Marina Dulyasova. The president told the guests about establishment and development of the Advanced Engineering School for electric transport vehicles and highlighted that it`s important to create a similar school for IT staff trainings.
The parties agreed that it`s necessary to develop the IT cluster taking into view the priority areas of the government of Russia such as establishing Industrial Centers for Competencies in Import Phase-out of Digital Solutions in the Key Economic Areas, and Centers for Competencies in Developing Russian Unified Applied Software. All of that requires serious background from specialists who know both industrial specifics, as well as the IT component.
Also, the director of the Advanced Engineering School under Moscow Poly Pablo Iturralde introduced Antonii Shvindt to the University labs.