July 2024

Digitalization for Sustainable Development: Сontribution of Moscow Polytech

The educational ecosystem of Moscow Polytech expands the audience and strengthens its presence in academic and scientific community, having become the platform for communication on actual issues of education and science. The selection of topics is determined taking into account national interests and global trends, as well as the goals and risks of sustainable development.

III International Scientific and Practical Workshop “Digitalization of Society: present state and perspectives”, organized by Moscow Polytech jointly with the Grozny State Petroleum Technical University named after M.D. Millionshchikov and the Belarusian National Technical University, became the platform for experience exchange and discussion of actual issues of digitalization in various spheres, including science, education and production.

 Scientific and pedagogical staff, experts, students and young scientists from different countries took part in the event. They discussed the issues related to the development of digitalization, including its impact on social and economic development and other spheres of social life.

“In fact, we will be able to look into the future and prevent accidents before they occur," - a scientist from one of the Russian universities said. The participant of III International Scientific and Practical Workshop presented a new approach based on digital duplicates of real systems of critically important objects, for identifying concealed vulnerabilities of these objects and elaboration of preventive measures of protection. The mathematical tool proposed by the scientist describes the objects of protection and sources of threats with the help of various parameters (coordinates in space, impacts magnitudes, characteristics of the environment, etc.) and their functional dependencies, simulating the dynamics of the system in time in billions of various scenarios.

One of the foreign participants of this workshop presented the model of managing digital public services, focused on social and economic transformations of Angola. Based on the experience of Russian public services, the graduate student from Angola, a representative of one of the Russian universities, is developing the platform, adapted for the requirements and formats of sustainable development of Angola.  

In his work, he focuses on the quality and transparency of public services, on ensuring access of citizens of Angola to the process of Government decision-making and getting access to various services in such spheres as support of family farming, combating illiteracy, reducing the number of children outside the education system, improving the situation of the informal market population and solving the problem of overpopulation of the city of Luanda. The elaborated model of managing digital public services will facilitate social stability and acceleration of economic development of Angola, improving the quality of life of the country's population.

Such conferences serve as the vivid example of Moscow Polytech’s involvement in the agenda of sustainable development of modern society, including in the developing countries. It also demonstrates the performance of the university and its partners in the sphere of creation, development and promotion of sustainable digital, engineering and entrepreneurial solutions, taking into account national interests and global trends.

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