November 2024

Delegation from Moscow Polytechnic University Participates in Business Forum "Russia - Ethiopia: Time is of the essence!"

The three-day international business forum "Russia - Ethiopia: Time is of the essence!" completed its work in Addis Ababa. Representatives of Moscow Polytechnic University - Nazir Zaman, lecturer at the Economics and Management Faculty, and Artem Dubrovsky, lecturer at the Advanced Engineering School of Electric Transport, third-year postgraduate student at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty - presented the potential of the university and Russian Education at the forum.

At meetings with foreign colleagues, they said that Moscow Polytechnic University trains specialists in a number of internationally demanded fields such as Information Technology, Robotics, Construction, Biotechnology and others. Ethiopia today pays great attention to the training of Engineering and Technical Staff. The high level of Russian universities' educational services in general and Moscow Polytechnic University in particular will contribute to mutually beneficial cooperation between the countries.
Representatives of Addis Ababa University expressed their interest in the programmes of Moscow Polytechnic University, opportunities for professional retraining, as well as the implementation of collaborative projects.


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