February 2023

Congratulations on Russian Science Day from Moscow Poly Vice-President for Research and Development Anton Nalivaiko

“Dear colleagues, students, teachers and scientific officers! I would like to congratulate you on the Russian Science Day!”

"Our University has a unique intellectual potential. We`re focusing on developing innovative solutions in the sphere of mechanical engineering, and especially electric vehicles, we also develop systems of automated operations, create mechatronic devices and encode robotic complexes. However, we do not forget about other development trajectories within the University and undertake studies in biotechnology, material science and power engineering, as well as explore creative spheres. Our uniqueness is our interdisciplinary nature.

I wholeheartedly believe that our scientists, engineers, designers and artists will be more than once awarded merits awards for their professionalism and solutions made. I wish all Russian colleagues to concentrate their efforts on spheres that are top priorities for our society, on the most important discoveries and achievements.”

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