April 2023

Moscow Poly Students and Employees Invited to Join Reading Night

Moscow Poly will hold the “Reading Night” will on April 27 at 18:30 at the academic block on Pavla Koorchagina street, 16, office “4905”. The topic will be “Café on the Edge of the Earth. How to stop going with the flow and remember why you are living” by John Strelecky.

Moscow Poly will hold the “Reading Night” together with the “Bedlam” book club starring the “Eksmo” director general Evgeny Kapiev.

As a reminder, William Shakespeare`s birthday – April 23 – is annually celebrated as the international reading night. This traditional event aims at promoting reading among general public. Moscow Poly didn`t stay out and is to hold the reading night devoted to good literature.

Participation requires registration.

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