Beijin hosted the event “Beijing International Book Fair 2021”. 105 countries took part in the event. The Faculty “Illustration and Printmaking” of the Institute of Graphics and Art, named after V.A. Favorskiy, took active part in the work of the Fair and in preparation of the Russian national stand.
The works of department professors Vera Tsepilova, Ekaterina Golovanova, Natalia Salienko and Evgenia Podkolzina and students of 2-5 years of education. The subject matters of submitted works became the 200th anniversary of F.M. Dostoevskiy and 80th anniversary of Sergey Dovlatov.
The Fair was held in the mixed format. Despite the fact that Moscow Poly participants were able to visit the event only online, they managed to prepare a busy agenda for Beijin. Moscow Poly presented book-trailers of Faculty “Illustration and Printmaking” graduation projects (2020-2021), video-lectures and master-classes by the Department professors with Chinese subtitles. The lectures elaborated on educational programs of the Faculty “Illustration and Printmaking”. The master-class in video format was prepared by Maria Vyshinkskaya, a faculty graduate (2019), a prize-winner of many international competitions and one of the most highly-demanded young illustrators. She presented a thorough analysis of her published works and spoke about different difficulties she faced as a young illustrator.
Moscow Poly students’ projects sparked the interest of Chinese publishers. The partnership with representatives of Eastern publishing houses will become an important achievement for the works’ authors.