At the AUTONET Forum the role of digital modelling in the creation of electric transport to be discussed

Application of digital modelling allowed speeding up considerably the process of electric transport creation, informed one of the key speakers of II International Forum AUTONET Andrey Keller, Professor, Doctor of Technical Science, a member of the Association of Automotive Engineers of Russia. This topic will become one of the central in the program of the forum, which will be held at Moscow Polytech on December 3.
“During last 20 years’ digital engineering and modelling of a vehicle movement dynamics have become an integral part of the development in automotive industry. This made possible in average in1, 5 times to the period, when these developments were not available”, - noted the expert.
According to Keller, digital modelling also considerably reduces the number of the required field tests, though does not fully substitute them.
“For approaching the pre-production model it is usually necessary to manufacture 2-3 prototypes, and after doing so, it is possible to produce a pilot-industrial batch for controlled operation”, - he explained. Special role digital modelling plays in the development of electric transport, where it is required to take into account a complex interaction of electric, mechanical and heating systems. “A modern electric vehicle – is a combination of all these systems, working together and inseparably. It is already impossible to strictly distinguish, where is mechanics, electrics, heating processes”, - underlined the expert.
At II International Forum AUTONET “Development of electric transport in Russia – from a concept to Technological Sovereignty”, the participants will discuss in details both the issues of digital modelling, and the other key aspects of the industry development. Additionally, experts will consider the prospects of electric transport production up to the Year 2030, the development of the components base and software, the issues of charging infrastructure and personnel training.
More than 100 leading experts will take part in the forum.
For the Mass Media representatives there will be organized an excursion over the laboratories of the Advanced Engineering School of Electric Transport of Moscow Polytech, including the demonstration of Smart Shuttles and Electric motorcycles MIG R2 and MIG V2.
One may register as a listener until December 2, 2024. After the registration - participation is free.
Date: December 3, 2024.
Location: Moscow Polytechnic University, Bolshaya Semyonovskaya St., Bldg. 38
Time: 10 a.m.
The program is available at the forum website.