December 2024

Andrey Moshin: “I feel responsibility for training of those who will develop our sphere in the future”

Pros and cons of teaching, which qualities are required for working with students, the importance of the balance – about this and more are in our column “People of Moscow Polytech”. Andrey Moshin, senior teacher of the Department “Low Temperature Technology named after P.L.Kapitsa” of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology” answers the questions.

Andrey Moshin was born in a science city Chernogolovka. In the city, there are seven scientific-research institutes and three branches, thus since childhood the inhabitants are surrounded by the atmosphere of science. 

“The choice of the field was a deliberate step. I entered Moscow Polytech in 2015 on the specialty “Refrigerating and Cryogenic Technology and Life Support Systems”. This field covers many areas - from climatic technology up to life support systems without which modern world is impossible to imagine. I was attracted by its relevance and practical importance”.

Acquaintance with Moscow Polytech started due to Andrey’s mother – it was she who advised to pay attention to this university. 

“Having become a student I realized that made a right choice. Here I received fundamental knowledge that allowed me to delve deeper in science and start teaching activities.”

Teaching for Andrey is not only work, but also an opportunity to share the experience, to form thinking of young specialists and to watch how they develop. Among the pros of the activity, he notes the following:

Inspiration – is an opportunity to see how students discover the world of science, pose non-standard questions, and rejoice in their success.

Self-development. In order to be an interesting teacher one must always keep himself in good shape, deepen knowledge and look for new approaches towards teaching.

Contribution to the future.

“I feel responsible for training of those, who will develop our sphere in the future” – underlines Andrey.

According to him there are also cons. Firstly, high responsibility, as it is important to find an approach to every student, especially, when someone of them faces difficulties, and, secondly, the difficulty of balancing – combining teaching, scientific activity and private life requires thorough planning.

- In your opinion, should a teacher be involved in science?

- To my opinion, science and teaching – are two mutually complementary sides. While doing science, a teacher stays informed about actual research works and may share with students his knowledge, which goes beyond textbooks. For example, my work is connected with fundamental research works in the sphere of 3D – bio-printing technologies, and this gives students an opportunity and the concept of interdisciplinary research works that combine thermophysics and biotechnology. It motivates them to study the material deeper and look for their place in science.

- Modern students – what are they like?

- They are flexible, energetic, striving to apply the knowledge in practice. They are well oriented in technologies and quicker adapt themselves to new tools. However, sometimes they do not have enough patience and perseverance.

- What would you like to wish them, which advices to give?

- To find something that truly inspires you. When you study for a purpose, the process is getting exciting, and you are not scared of difficulties. Right through overcoming difficulties true knowledge comes.

- Are you learning something from them?

- Students remind me, that you can always look at the tasks from the other side. Their questions and ideas stimulate me to rethink familiar approaches and to seek non-standard solutions.

- Do you already have any secrets of mastery?

- My main secret – is a sincere interest in the topic and the wish to help students in understanding of the material.

- Which qualities, to your opinion, a teacher must possess?

- Empathy, in order to understand, that every student is unique. Flexibility, in order to adapt explanations and approaches to the audience. In addition, the skill to inspire – a teacher must not only be a knowledge carrier, but also a source of motivation. I like myself to inspire students, especially for engagement in scientific activity, and to share experience, in order they might become the best specialists in their field.

- Would you like a teacher like yourself?

- I think, yes. I try to be a teacher who not only explains the theory, but also shows how to apply it in practice.

- What would you wish for yourself?

- To keep curious about science, not to lose inspiration and to always stay open to new ideas. And also – to find balance between work and private life, as this is as well important for a successful carrier.

Reference: In 2023, a young scientist received a grant named after V.E. Fortov in the framework of the program “Priority 2030” for his scientific project “Unsteady heat and mass transfer in micro structured media”.

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