May 2021

All-Russian Youth Competition “Russia is my motherland”

Moscow Poly hosts the All-Russian Youth Competition “Russia is my motherland” from May 25 to June 11, confined to Russia Day.

Moscow Poly students and employees, students of other Universities, vocation educational institutions of Moscow and Russia and students from foreign Universities are welcome to participate.

Competition time frames:


—Work submission via e-mail– from May 25 till June 7, 2021;

—Work assessment by the jury – from June 8 till June 9, 2021;

—Winner announcement on the Internet – June 10, 2021;

—Award ceremony – June 11, 2021.

Rules for creative works:

1. Post-card draft must be submitted in the e-from (graphics) or in a form of a drawing.

2. A submitted work must have the following features: at least 300 dpi dimensions in JPEG/TIFF/PNG format with at least 1000 pixels on each side or a vector format.

3. A submitted drawing must have at least 72 dpi in the JPG format. The original size is A4.

4. In order to participate in the competition, you must send your work to konkurs@mospolytech.ru. The work must be signed (Full name, country/region, University, faculty/institute, year of study, school number and grade (if the participant is a high-school student) or the place of work). The works must be sent as a file, named with the author’s surname (IVANOV_151-651.jpeg).

5. The main rule is to select the materials, which show the love to Russia, respect for it, its traditions, failures and successes, its glory.

Winners and awardees will get special certificates and gifts from Moscow Poly.

Good luck and inspiration to all the participants!


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