Admission Campaign 2025: a New Section for Parents of University Applicants

What innovations await those entering universities in 2025? As well as terms and stages of admission, points for individual achievements, changes in the competition lists, the number of specialities for application, the list of entrance tests - this and much more will be discussed in a new section on Moscow Polytechnic University's website - Admission Campaign 2025.
A large audience at the parents' meeting with Yuri Anfimov, Executive Secretary of Moscow Polytechnic University Admissions Committee, proved the necessity of such a knowledge programme. The meeting took place during the New Year's Open Day. The expert with 25 years of experience devoted his speech to the new procedure of admission to universities.
At the end of November, the Ministry of Education and Science approved a new procedure for university admission - in effect from 1 March 2025 to 1 September 2029. The new order, in particular, establishes unified deadlines for the documents admission, publication of competition lists and admission decrees.
Thus, the beginning of documents admission is 20 June.
Completion of documents admission with entrance tests - no later than 20 July, without taking them - 25 July.
The publication of the competition lists is on 27 July.
The priority admission stage is the completion of admission consents on 1 August with admission decrees to be issued on 2-3 August.
The main admission stage is the completion of admission consents on 5 August, with admission decrees to be issued on 6-7 August.
The additional admission stage is the completion of admission consents on 9 August, with admission decrees to be issued on 10-11 August.
The number of additional admission places must be established no later than 12 August. Admission decrees will be published on 26-29 August.
For fee-based admission, the deadlines have been extended: the documents may be submitted until 20 September, while admission will take place until 30 September.

We will tell you about the list of Unified State Examination Subjects and other changes in the next issue of the section, but for now, we are going to answer the urgent question, that interests almost all applicants: how are individual achievements get registered?
“Now, you can get up to 10 points for individual achievements - for example, for a General Secondary Education Certificate or a Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education with Honours. We at Moscow Polytechnic University believe that if a person has been studying for 11 years with excellent grades, this deserves maximum credit. Additional points are also awarded for volunteer activities, for having the "Ready for Labour and Defense" GTO badge, for participation in various competitions, conferences, Olympiads and so on. This year's innovation is an opportunity to get additional points for individual achievements, which are taken into account if an applicant chooses Targeted Education and Targeted Admission. To do this, you need to sign an agreement with an enterprise, and the applicant will be admitted according to the Target Admission Programme (which is a separate competition that is significantly lower than the usual one). As a bonus, the enterprise-customer can add five points for the fact that the applicant participated in Vocational Guidance Events of a particular customer of Targeted Education (the lists of participants must be transferred to the university by the enterprise before the start of the admission campaign)”, - said Yuri Anfimov.
Companies offering Targeted Education can be found on the Jobs of Russia website.

Everything about admissions is on the Admissions website.
Admissions Office Contacts: +7 (495) 223-05-23; 8 (800) 550-91-42.
Work schedule: Mon - Fri: 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Fri: 10:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Sat and Sun: weekends. E-mail:
To be continued.