
Moscow Polytech Launches Contest of Marketing Projects
Moscow Polytech Launches Contest of Marketing Projects
In April, Moscow Polytech department of “Advertising and Public Relations and Media Industry” launched the 6th season of the contest pf media projects “Maly Digital”. In the course of several seasons held previously, the project helped several hundreds of school and university students to fin...
Moscow Polytech Students Win Intellectual Game in Knowledge of International Relations
Moscow Polytech Students Win Intellectual Game in Knowledge of International Relations
Moscow Polytech representatives became one of 8 teams that competed for victory in a quiz “History and Future of Russia-Africa Relations”. The event was organized by the Russia-Africa Club under Lomonosov Moscow State University. As the result, Moscow Polytech won the 3rd place.
Moscow Polytech Team Takes Second Place in Online Quiz Between Best Russian Dormitories
Moscow Polytech Team Takes Second Place in Online Quiz Between Best Russian Dormitories
Moscow Poytech team “CosmoStas” won bronze medals in online contest “Quiz. Dormitory Hustle”. In total, 30 teams from all over the country took part in the contest.
Moscow Polytech CyberSports Team Won Bronze in Prestigious Tournament
Moscow Polytech CyberSports Team Won Bronze in Prestigious Tournament
On March 31, Moscow Cyber Sports Student League came to an end. 75 capital universities with over 2,000 participants competed with each other. Moscow Polytech was nominated in as many as 7 disciplines.
Moscow Polytech Passed City Stage of Moscow Student Spring
Moscow Polytech Passed City Stage of Moscow Student Spring
On March 30 and 31, Moscow Polytech held a city stage of Moscow Student Spring. Hundreds of Moscow students competed in the nomination “Vocal”.
Moscow Polytech Sums Up Results of International Photo Contest “Science in Photos”
Moscow Polytech Sums Up Results of International Photo Contest “Science in Photos”
Moscow Polytech Partners with Forum Festival “Literary Flagship of Russia”
Moscow Polytech Partners with Forum Festival “Literary Flagship of Russia”
On 22 May, Russian National Library Congress will start its work, whereas the forum festival “Literary Flagship of Russia” will take place in the period between May 23-25 and will be held under assistance of Moscow Polytechnic University.
New Elaboration by Moscow Polytech to Help Eliminate Counterfeits from Russian Market
New Elaboration by Moscow Polytech to Help Eliminate Counterfeits from Russian Market
An original counterfeit protection has been created by Moscow Polytech under supervision of the University professor Alexander Kondratov. The elaboration should solve the problem of spreading of counterfeited and fabricated products. The technology has already been partially tested in labs an...
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