
Moscow Poly and “Vostok Media” Launched Shared Course in OOH AD
Moscow Poly and “Vostok Media” Launched Shared Course in OOH AD
The unique educational course – “Expert in OOH Advertisement” – has been launched at Moscow Poly for the first time. The program has been developed together with “Vostok Media” – the leading out-of-home advertising agent in Moscow and the Moscow region that is on top-5 Russian marketeers in t...
Over 130 Wrote Anniversary Total Dictation at Moscow Poly
Over 130 Wrote Anniversary Total Dictation at Moscow Poly
On April 8, Moscow Poly held a annual educational campaign – total dictation. In 2023, the campaign turned 20 years. 132 people came to the venue to check their knowledge.
Moscow Poly “Fenix” Rescue Team Practiced Skills of Life Rescue on Ice
Moscow Poly “Fenix” Rescue Team Practiced Skills of Life Rescue on Ice
Moscow Poly “Fenix” life-rescue team held a training session – “Safe Ice” – on the territory of “Terletskaya” search and rescue station. The session was organized under assistance of the EAD office under the department for civil defence, emergency situations and fire safety for Moscow.
Moscow Poly Students Participated in Meetings Devoted to Writers for Kids and Detective Movies
Moscow Poly Students Participated in Meetings Devoted to Writers for Kids and Detective Movies
Moscow Poly new library venue held thematic meetings – “Hitch-Hiking through Childhood” and “Movie Night”. Over 60 people visited the events.
School Students Launched Autonomous Transportation System in NTO Finals
School Students Launched Autonomous Transportation System in NTO Finals
The National Technological Olympiad finals in “Autonomous Transportation Systems” that was organized by Moscow Poly has come to an end in Moscow. 36 high school students from 12 Russian regions, from St. Petersburg to the Altai Krai, took part in the final stage of the contest.
Moscow Poly Became Most Voted Best Capital Youth Spots
Moscow Poly Became Most Voted Best Capital Youth Spots
“ArtPolytech” together with the “Dobro.Center” co-working areas took leading positions among Moscow spots as a result of voting. The online voting was held on the official website of the “Tochka Prityazhenia”. The University venues have also entered the top-600 best youth spots in Russia.
Moscow Poly Together with Partners Held Conference in Issues of Information Society
Moscow Poly Together with Partners Held Conference in Issues of Information Society
A section in the framework of “Language, Cognition, Communication: Information Society” international conference took place at Moscow Poly. Alongside with Moscow Poly , Institute of Linguistics and International Communications under Sechenov University, Lomonosov MSU philological faculty and ...
Moscow Poly Students and Employees Learnt About Addiction Prevention
Moscow Poly Students and Employees Learnt About Addiction Prevention
Moscow Poly held a meeting entitled “Make the Right Choice” devoted to prevention of addition to psycho-active. Clinical psychologist, representative of Moscow scientific-practicalnarcology center Andrei Motkov delivered his speech before the students employees. The meeting was held in a mixe...
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