
Moscow Poly Set Working Schedule for Holidays in May
Moscow Poly Set Working Schedule for Holidays in May
Moscow Poly has set a working schedule for the May holidays for all employees and students of all forms of study.
Moscow Poly International Student Learnt About Traditions of Celebrating Easter in Russia
Moscow Poly International Student Learnt About Traditions of Celebrating Easter in Russia
Moscow Poly held celebrations of Easter for the University international students. The students from Guinea, Afghanistan, Sri-Lanka, Eritrea, Mongolia, Indonesia, Cameroon, Nigeria and Pakistan dived into the history and culture of the holiday, and tried Easter treats.
“Priority 2030”: Electric Vehicle Industry Projects by Moscow Poly Young Scientists
“Priority 2030”: Electric Vehicle Industry Projects by Moscow Poly Young Scientists
The majority of 15 projects by Moscow Poly young scientists that received funding n.a. V.E. Fortov falls under the electric vehicle industry research category. As a reminder, the contest for scholarship is held under the “Priority 2030” federal program where Moscow Poly participates with...
Moscow Poly to Choose Student Leader
Moscow Poly to Choose Student Leader
On April 20, Moscow Poly is to hold finals of the “Moscow Poly Students Leader” annual contest.
Moscow Poly Students Discussed Their Start Ups and Technological Projects with Experts
Moscow Poly Students Discussed Their Start Ups and Technological Projects with Experts
Moscow Poly held an off-premise post-acceleration session at the educational, cultural and sports-technical base Polet on April 15-16 for the students of Ryazan, Kolomna and Elektrostal affiliations.
Moscow Poly Sri-Lankan Students Celebrated National New Year
Moscow Poly Sri-Lankan Students Celebrated National New Year
Moscow Poly held celebrations of the “Aluth Avurudu” holiday for the international students of the University. On the island of Sri-Lanka, it`s a holiday of seeing off the departing year and welcoming the beginning of a new solar cycle.
Moscow Poly to Hold Reading Night on April 27
Moscow Poly to Hold Reading Night on April 27
William Shakespeare`s birthday – April 23 – is an international reading night. This traditional event is aimed at promoting reading among wide audience. Moscow Poly decided to not stand aside and is going to hold an evening devoted to good literature on April 27.
Over 200 Applications Submitted to Moscow Poly Admission Campaign
Over 200 Applications Submitted to Moscow Poly Admission Campaign
As of April 17, Moscow Poly received almost 200 applications from enrollees for bachelor, specialist and master programs. And for those who are still figuring out who they`d like to be, Moscow Poly held an in-person Open Day Event.
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