
Moscow Poly Students Became Prize Winners in “Spring 1945”
Moscow Poly Students Became Prize Winners in “Spring 1945”
Students of Moscow Poly Ivanteev affiliation became prize winners in the XVI youth patriotic contest “Vesna 45 Goda” (“Spring 1945”) in the “Costume – 40s Style” nomination.
“SSC 2023” Awarding Ceremony to Take Place on April 26
“SSC 2023” Awarding Ceremony to Take Place on April 26
The closing ceremony of the 73rd international student scientific conference – SSC 2023 – will take place on April 26. At the event, the results of the Conference will be summarized and the winners of the open sessions announced, after which the awarding ceremony will be held.
Moscow Poly to Hold Course in Project Activity
Moscow Poly to Hold Course in Project Activity
Moscow Poly – flagship of project education in Russia – will hold an in-person 36-hour further professional training on “Organization of Project Activity at University”.
Moscow Poly Launched Career Marathon
Moscow Poly Launched Career Marathon
In the period between April 24 and 28, Moscow Poly premises will become venues for a Career Marathon for the University and school students. The event will is held by the University Center for Career.
Moscow Poly Enrollees Received Erich Krause Pens on Open Day for Final State Examination
Moscow Poly Enrollees Received Erich Krause Pens on Open Day for Final State Examination
Moscow Poly partnered with the representatives of “OFFICE PREMIER” – exclusive distributor of Erich Krauser for holding an Open Day event. All enrollees, who attended the event on April 15, received from Erich Kraus “G-soft” and “Megapolis” gel ink pens that will help graduates to feel themse...
Greenatom and Moscow Poly Signed Cooperation Agreement
Greenatom and Moscow Poly Signed Cooperation Agreement
Moscow Poly and AO “Greenatom” signed a cooperation agreement within the round table with industrial partners. The document was signed by the vice-president for academic affairs Gyuzel Sharipzyanova and the head of the project office for IT community development under AO “Greenatom” Denic Bar...
Moscow Poly Held Movie Showcase as Tribute to Victims of Fascism
Moscow Poly Held Movie Showcase as Tribute to Victims of Fascism
The international round table “On Something That Should Never Repeat Again” took place at Moscow Poly. The meeting was commemorated to the International Day of Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps – April 11 – and Memorial Day of Genocide of the Russian People during the Great Patriotic War...
Moscow Poly Launches Career Marathon on April 24
Moscow Poly Launches Career Marathon on April 24
On April 24, a career marathon 2023 starts on Moscow Poly venues. The events for students with the participation of industrial partners on the University will last till the end of the next week – April 28. Students will get a chance to participate in excursions, workshops, exhibitions and com...
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