
Moscow Poly Students and Employees Can Make Up Talisman for Decade of Science and Technologies
Moscow Poly Students and Employees Can Make Up Talisman for Decade of Science and Technologies
The contest aimed at identifying the talisman for the Decade of Science and Technologies started in Russia. Any citizen can of Russian can take part in the contest. For that, one needs to upload their own talisman version with a short description on the official website of the contest before ...
Moscow Poly Working on “SHUM” Russian National Youth Forum
Moscow Poly Working on “SHUM” Russian National Youth Forum
The “SHUM” Russian national youth forum under the Rosmolodezh.Events platform series is taking place in Kaliningrad. All three seasons of the forum have gathered a total of 650 participants. Moscow Poly student, “MoscowPolytech” media center activist Anastasia Garaschuk is taking part in the ...
Moscow Poly President Vladimir Miklushevskii Congratulated Students on Youth Day
Moscow Poly President Vladimir Miklushevskii Congratulated Students on Youth Day
Students Moscow Poly Learnt Entrepreneurship under “MosPolytech – Moscow” program
Students Moscow Poly Learnt Entrepreneurship under “MosPolytech – Moscow” program
The program aims at supporting teams providing the projects and initiatives in forming innovation products. 400 students are thought to undertake education. Under the process of implementation, Moscow Poly partners with “Business Environment” AO, Sber`s subsidiary company.
Moscow Poly Faculties and Institutes Opened ZOOM Rooms for Enrollees
Moscow Poly Faculties and Institutes Opened ZOOM Rooms for Enrollees
In the period between June 20 and August 31, Moscow Poly institutes and faculties are opening ZOOM rooms where enrollees will be able to ask specific questions to the specific corresponding departments.
Future Master Students Invited to Open Day Night
Future Master Students Invited to Open Day Night
The Open Day Night for the masters-to-be will take place on June 21 at 19:00 on Pavla Korchagina street, 22. There are 304 state-funded and 800 paid places prepared for the enrollees, 22 full-time educational programs, 6 of them also provide the possibility to study extramurally, and 4 of the...
Starting from June 20 Enrollees can Apply to Moscow Poly through “GosUslugi” Platform
Starting from June 20 Enrollees can Apply to Moscow Poly through “GosUslugi” Platform
In June 20, the admission campaign for 2023 started in Russia on the super service “Apply to University Online”, which was used by 343 thousand enrollees last year.
Moscow Poly President: Students Should Learn from Real Orders from Businesses
Moscow Poly President: Students Should Learn from Real Orders from Businesses
To train specialists for the market, two conditions are needed: close cooperation between science and businesses, as well as students learning from real orders by the large companies, shared with the “Rossiiskaya Gazeta” news agency Moscow Poly president Vladimir Miklushevskii at SPIEF.
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