
Moscow Poly International Students Visit “Russia” International Exhibition-Forum
Moscow Poly International Students Visit “Russia” International Exhibition-Forum
In the course of the “Russia” forum, the international students learnt about the main achievements, learnt a lot about 89 Russian regions and opportunities that our boundless country has.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Celebrated International Student Day
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Celebrated International Student Day
On November 17 – International Student Day – Moscow Poly Faculty of Mechanical Engineering held a round table that united 16 representatives from 8 countries. At the event, the participants discussed the issues that students are worried about in terms of the educational process, organization ...
Moscow Poly Launches Exhibition “Workshop for Chromolitography. Works Made Over 5 Years”
Moscow Poly Launches Exhibition “Workshop for Chromolitography. Works Made Over 5 Years”
On November 20, the Center for Printing Arts – “Ivan Fedorov Printing Yard” launches a new exhibition called – “Workshop for Chromolitography. In 5-Years”.
On Teacher of Higher School Day Moscow Poly President Congratulated Moscow Poly Staff
On Teacher of Higher School Day Moscow Poly President Congratulated Moscow Poly Staff
Moscow Poly Participated in Science Festival by Union State
Moscow Poly Participated in Science Festival by Union State
In the period between November 14 and 16, International Science Festival held by the Union State took place at the basis of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Moscow Poly employees and students participated in the event.
Moscow Poly Students Became VK Ambassadors
Moscow Poly Students Became VK Ambassadors
Moscow Poly students became new VK ambassadors.
Moscow Poly KVN Teams Won Grand Prix and Passed to Finals of MGRI Open League
Moscow Poly KVN Teams Won Grand Prix and Passed to Finals of MGRI Open League
Two teams from Moscow Poly participated in the Cup of 105th Anniversary of “MGRI” KVN Open KVN League of MGRI. The “Otvet Ubil!” received the grand prix and the main cup of the game, whereas “Posledneye Slovo Cheburashki” received its ticket to the finals.
Moscow Poly to Host Series of Events under V Festival of Radio Electronics
Moscow Poly to Host Series of Events under V Festival of Radio Electronics
On November 23 and 24, Moscow Poly will become one of the main venues in Moscow to hold the Vth Festival of Radio Electronics.
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