
Moscow Polytech Invites Students and Employees to Pre-New Year Meeting with University President
Moscow Polytech Invites Students and Employees to Pre-New Year Meeting with University President
On December 21, Moscow Polytech president Vladimir Miklushevskii will summarize the results of the work in the departing year and award the best students and employees.
Moscow Polytech Participates in Session of Board Meeting of Russian Book Union
Moscow Polytech Participates in Session of Board Meeting of Russian Book Union
On November 13, the Russian Book Union held a board meeting where the results of the work done in 2023 have been summarized. The event was held by the president of Supervisory Board for Moscow Polytech Sergei Stepashin. The event was joined by the president of Moscow Polytech Vladimir Miklush...
Moscow Polytech to Hold Gaston Leroux Literary Club
Moscow Polytech to Hold Gaston Leroux Literary Club
On November 15, a “New Library” strategic project under Moscow Polytech invites students to visit the Hold Gaston literary club.
Moscow Polytech Held Lecture “Russia in National and International Media”
Moscow Polytech Held Lecture “Russia in National and International Media”
A lectured called “Russia in National and International Media” took place in the art-space “ART POLYTECH”. The students of the Institute of Publishing and Journalism listened to speech delivered by the international journalists from Pakistan, Iceland and Syria.
Moscow Polytech Holds Exhibition “Comics and Pictured Stories”
Moscow Polytech Holds Exhibition “Comics and Pictured Stories”
On December 5, held the opening of the “Comics and Pictured Stories” exhibition that displays approximately 70 works. All of them are the results of students` course, diploma and project works submitted in the course of the 12 years of teaching the discipline at Moscow Polytech. Up to Decembe...
Moscow Polytech New Library Held Quiz in History of Transport
Moscow Polytech New Library Held Quiz in History of Transport
On November 9, an event called “All Four Wheels” took place where students found out many new things about the development of common means of transport.
Moscow Polytech Students Accompany Deputy Minister for Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia
Moscow Polytech Students Accompany Deputy Minister for Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia
Moscow Polytech students visited a unique tour held at VDNKh by the winner of the second season of “Russian Leaders” – the flagship project under the presidential platform “Russia – Country for Opportunities”, deputy minister for construction and communal services Konstantin Mikhailenko. In t...
Moscow Polytech Student Became Diplomat at Scientific Conference in Modern Technologies in Medicine
Moscow Polytech Student Became Diplomat at Scientific Conference in Modern Technologies in Medicine
Moscow Polytech student Denis Pakhomov who studies the master program “Medical Intellectual Systems” at the department for infocognitive technologies under the faculty of Information Technologies presented his scientific work entitled “Application of Aftificial Neural Networks in Ishemic Stok...
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