
As if I Always Lived Here” – International Student on Moving to Moscow, Studying at Moscow Polytech and Love for City
As if I Always Lived Here” – International Student on Moving to Moscow, Studying at Moscow Polytech and Love for City
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering student from Tajikistan shares how he decided to move to Russian, why he chose Moscow Polytech and what he likes about the University most of all.
University Team “Moscow Polytech” Plays Tie with Tournament Leader
University Team “Moscow Polytech” Plays Tie with Tournament Leader
On February 24, “Moscow Polytech” held an offsite meeting in the framework of the championship in St. Petersburg against local “Crystal”. None of the teams managed to stand out. The match game finished with a score of 0:0.
Moscow Polytech Team Wins Silver Medal at Russian Championship in Military-Patriotic Games
Moscow Polytech Team Wins Silver Medal at Russian Championship in Military-Patriotic Games
The representative team of the University that comprises members of the trade union and patriotic club "Cyclone" took the second place in the category “Lifeguard”. The open championship in military-patriotic games was held for the first time and has gathers 140 participants. The Russian Union...
Moscow Polytech President Vladimir Miklushevskii Congratulates on Defender of Motherland Day
Moscow Polytech President Vladimir Miklushevskii Congratulates on Defender of Motherland Day
Moscow Polytech Students Visit Day of Power Engineering at Exhibition-Forum “Russia”
Moscow Polytech Students Visit Day of Power Engineering at Exhibition-Forum “Russia”
Five Moscow Polytech students visited a Day of Power Engineering in the framework of the International Exhibition Forum “Russia” on February 20.
Moscow Polytech Mini-Football Team Wins Strong-Willed Victory in Russian Championship
Moscow Polytech Mini-Football Team Wins Strong-Willed Victory in Russian Championship
On February 17, in the latest in a series of match games “MosPolytech” team beat its opponents from St.Petersburg – “Avrora” with a score of 4:3. The victory didn`t come off easy. In the beginning, the homeplayers were losing with a score of 1:3. However, in the end they have managed to win b...
Moscow Polytech InterClub Organizes Speaking Club
Moscow Polytech InterClub Organizes Speaking Club
SpeakingClub in action! Our events are a true kaleidoscope of languages and cultures! We are always happy to see new participants and create a friendly atmosphere.
Moscow Polytech International Club Organized Unforgettable Valentine's Day
Moscow Polytech International Club Organized Unforgettable Valentine's Day
At the event, there were various entertainment activities. Treats, dances, board games - all of this added to the festive atmosphere.
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