
Faculty of Basic Competencies
Moscow Polytech to Hold Diploma Awarding Ceremony from July 15 to 19
Moscow Polytech to Hold Diploma Awarding Ceremony from July 15 to 19
Moscow Polytech invites all graduates to a diploma awarding ceremony!
Moscow Poly Held Quiz on “Geography Night – 2023”
Moscow Poly Held Quiz on “Geography Night – 2023”
Moscow Poly students took part in an annual international educational campaign – “Geography Night”. An in-person venue for the event was organized on Moscow Poly premises. Students received found out about the activity of the Russian Geographic Community and tried themselves in a geographic q...
Moscow Poly Held Movie Showcase as Tribute to Victims of Fascism
Moscow Poly Held Movie Showcase as Tribute to Victims of Fascism
The international round table “On Something That Should Never Repeat Again” took place at Moscow Poly. The meeting was commemorated to the International Day of Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps – April 11 – and Memorial Day of Genocide of the Russian People during the Great Patriotic War...
400+ Moscow Poly Students Competed in Knowledge of English
400+ Moscow Poly Students Competed in Knowledge of English
Moscow Poly held an annual Olympiad in English among the University students of all field areas. The contest was held in 2 stages: online stage engaged 439 participants. Among them 142 of them have coped with the task for 50% and more. After that, during the offline stage (group and individua...
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