
Contests, grant projects
Russian National Creativity Photo Contest “Russia, My Soul” Announces Results
Russian National Creativity Photo Contest “Russia, My Soul” Announces Results
Moscow Polytech summed up the results of the Russian national creativity photo contest “Russia, My Soul”. Out of 120 works, the best ones were chosen in four nominations.
Moscow Polytech Announces Names of Ms & Mr Polytech 2024
Moscow Polytech Announces Names of Ms & Mr Polytech 2024
On 17 April, the university contest of beauty and talents “Ms & Mr Polytech 2024” came to an end. 16 University students competed with each other to get the main title. As a result, the winners became Daria Samerkhanova and Lev Bedoyan.
Moscow Polytech Sums Up Results of International Photo Contest “Science in Photos”
Moscow Polytech Sums Up Results of International Photo Contest “Science in Photos”
Moscow Polytech Invites to Join Contest “Student StartUp”
Moscow Polytech Invites to Join Contest “Student StartUp”
Student StartUp is a funding provided to support students` startup projects. The contest is to choose 200 winners who are going to receive 1.000.000 RUB to develop their project.
Moscow Poly Holds Contest for Game Developers “MospolyJam”
Moscow Poly Holds Contest for Game Developers “MospolyJam”
Moscow Polytech is holding a contest for computer game developers. The championship will be taking place from February 2 to 6. During this period, the participants are to develop their own game.
Project by Moscow Polytech Career Center Ranked One of Best in Moscow
Project by Moscow Polytech Career Center Ranked One of Best in Moscow
A project by the Career Center under Moscow Polytech has been ranked the best career event for youth in the framework of the contest for discovering the best employment strategies for young specialists in Moscow.
Moscow Polytech Students Become Prize-Winners of “Wind of Digital Changes. UX Battle” Hackaton
Moscow Polytech Students Become Prize-Winners of “Wind of Digital Changes. UX Battle” Hackaton
Moscow Polytech students participated in a short practical hackathon on November 30. The participants of the events listened to a lecture about the main principals of UI/UX design after which they had to solve some team tasks, analyzed interface of the products that are under development by t...
Moscow Polytech Awards Best Volunteers
Moscow Polytech Awards Best Volunteers
Moscow Poly held finals of the “Volunteer 360” competition. The competition lasted approximately for 1 month and included 5 stages: application period, semi-finals, visiting “Polyot” recreation base, and at last, finals at Dobro.Center.
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