
Faculties and Institutes
Moscow Poly Student Maxim Bogush: "Combining Studies, Hobby, Projects and Work is Easy"
Moscow Poly Student Maxim Bogush: "Combining Studies, Hobby, Projects and Work is Easy"
In the rubrics “Formula of Success”, we`ll introduce the reader to the students whose success stories prove that putting in efforts allows one to achieve a lot. Moscow Poly in its turn provides many possibilities for that. The hero of today`s rubrics is mechanical engineering student Maxim Bo...
“Priority 2030”: Universally Applicable Carrier Unit Created at Moscow Poly
“Priority 2030”: Universally Applicable Carrier Unit Created at Moscow Poly
Moscow Poly created a universally applicable carrier unit. This is a tool for reverse engineering that allows to test various car elements and create their platform solutions, as explained on air of the TV channel RBC by the lead engineer at Center for Reverse Engineering and standardization ...
400+ Moscow Poly Students Competed in Knowledge of English
400+ Moscow Poly Students Competed in Knowledge of English
Moscow Poly held an annual Olympiad in English among the University students of all field areas. The contest was held in 2 stages: online stage engaged 439 participants. Among them 142 of them have coped with the task for 50% and more. After that, during the offline stage (group and individua...
Moscow Poly Establishing Representation Office in Shanghai
Moscow Poly Establishing Representation Office in Shanghai
Moscow Poly representation office will be launched in one of the biggest cities in the China – Shanghai. Under the “Priority 2030” program, the University has been implementing the “Available Vehicle” project that contributes to achieving technological sovereignty of Russia. Moscow...
Moscow Poly to Hold Anniversary Exhibition of Works by Russian Honored Artists Alexei Fedulov
Moscow Poly to Hold Anniversary Exhibition of Works by Russian Honored Artists Alexei Fedulov
Moscow Poly is opening an individual anniversary exhibition of works by the “Academic Drawing and Painting” department under the V.A.Favorsky Institute of Graphics and Book Art professor, Honored Artist of Russia Alexei Fedulov.
Moscow Poly Students Learnt How to Build Career in Mechanical Engineering
Moscow Poly Students Learnt How to Build Career in Mechanical Engineering
A traditional “Career in Mechanical Engineering” event has taken place at Moscow Poly. Students met with the head of the regional Moscow Poly council apparatus Anna Shlyakhova, representatives of the “GOST” (National State Standard) and “Iskra” mechanical engineering bureau named after Ivan I...
Moscow Poly Students Became “Yandex” Ambassadors
Moscow Poly Students Became “Yandex” Ambassadors
Moscow Poly faculty of information technologies students became “Yandex” ambassadors thanks to the participating in the U-team. Over 6,000 applications were made from Russian students. Moscow Poly entered the list of the 32 universities that have successfully passed the selection procedure.
Moscow Poly Students Awarded with Selectel Nominal Scholarship
Moscow Poly Students Awarded with Selectel Nominal Scholarship
10 Moscow Poly students received scholarship under a special program from Selectel Career 24. The awarding ceremony and meeting with the company representatives will take place on March 24.
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