
Faculties and Institutes
Moscow Poly and Fergana State University Held Conference in Digital Transformation Problematics
Moscow Poly and Fergana State University Held Conference in Digital Transformation Problematics
At an international scientific-practical conference – “Digital Transfaormation: Informatics, Economics and Education (DTIEE2023)” – students and lecturers delivered over 100 reports. In the course of the conference there was also a contest project held devoted to the issues of information com...
Moscow Poly to Hold “Selected Works. From “Academic Drawing and Pictorial Art” Department Reservists"
Moscow Poly to Hold “Selected Works. From “Academic Drawing and Pictorial Art” Department Reservists"
The exhibition project “Selected Works. From ‘Academic Drawing and Pictorial Art’” is taking place at the premises of the “Ivan Fyodorov`s Printing Yard” (Moscow, Sadovaya-Spasskaya st.,8 b.4) until May 28.
Moscow Poly Student Pavel Schmelev: “The Key Thing is to Be Yourself”
Moscow Poly Student Pavel Schmelev: “The Key Thing is to Be Yourself”
In the “Story of Success” rubrics, Moscow Poly student continue telling more about themselves and the University. Today’s editions is devoted to guest is Pavel Shmelev, a third-year Transport Faculty student. Pavel became an increased state academic scholarship holder for his success in scien...
Moscow Poly Participated in Bike Festival to Celebrate Opening of New Motorcycle Season
Moscow Poly Participated in Bike Festival to Celebrate Opening of New Motorcycle Season
On May 13, Moscow Poly participated in a spring bike cycle festival where the new motorcycle season was officially opened. This year, the route of the motor race for the single colony that started near Academician Sakharov Prospect and ended at the “Muzeon” park united over 5.000 participants...
Vladimir Miklushevskii: Moscow Poly Should Become Center for Competencies
Vladimir Miklushevskii: Moscow Poly Should Become Center for Competencies
Moscow Poly president Vladimir Miklishevskii talked on how the University has changed in the course of last 5 years and shared plans for the future. The head of the University delivered a report at the Scientific Council that took place on April 27.
Greenatom and Moscow Poly Signed Cooperation Agreement
Greenatom and Moscow Poly Signed Cooperation Agreement
Moscow Poly and AO “Greenatom” signed a cooperation agreement within the round table with industrial partners. The document was signed by the vice-president for academic affairs Gyuzel Sharipzyanova and the head of the project office for IT community development under AO “Greenatom” Denic Bar...
Moscow Poly Held Movie Showcase as Tribute to Victims of Fascism
Moscow Poly Held Movie Showcase as Tribute to Victims of Fascism
The international round table “On Something That Should Never Repeat Again” took place at Moscow Poly. The meeting was commemorated to the International Day of Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps – April 11 – and Memorial Day of Genocide of the Russian People during the Great Patriotic War...
Over 200 Applications Submitted to Moscow Poly Admission Campaign
Over 200 Applications Submitted to Moscow Poly Admission Campaign
As of April 17, Moscow Poly received almost 200 applications from enrollees for bachelor, specialist and master programs. And for those who are still figuring out who they`d like to be, Moscow Poly held an in-person Open Day Event.
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