
Extracurricular activity, creative activity, volunteering
Moscow Poly Held Quiz on “Geography Night – 2023”
Moscow Poly Held Quiz on “Geography Night – 2023”
Moscow Poly students took part in an annual international educational campaign – “Geography Night”. An in-person venue for the event was organized on Moscow Poly premises. Students received found out about the activity of the Russian Geographic Community and tried themselves in a geographic q...
Moscow Poly “Fortis” Touristic Club Conquered Duykinskiye Karyery
Moscow Poly “Fortis” Touristic Club Conquered Duykinskiye Karyery
In the period between May 22 and 23, members of the Moscow Poly “Fortis” touristic club participated in the mountain hike to Duykinskiye Karyery – limestone cliffs in Vladimirskaya oblast, located in the state-run “Duykinskiy” nature sanctuary.
Moscow Poly to Hold “Donor Day”
Moscow Poly to Hold “Donor Day”
Moscow Poly is holding a charity blood donating campaign on May 30. The campaign is organized by the activists from the University “Moscow Poly Curators” student union.
Moscow Poly “Art Polytech” to Teach Elocution and Art of Acting
Moscow Poly “Art Polytech” to Teach Elocution and Art of Acting
On May 24, at the “Art Polytech” venue there`ll be a creative meeting held in the framework of the “Women`s Vision” exhibition’ with a “FastStart” center teacher Yanina Sukhova. Yanina is a teacher of elocution and art of acting, actress and tv and radio host. After the meeting, the guests wi...
Moscow Poly’s Creative Workshop Invites to Closing Event in Theatrical Season
Moscow Poly’s Creative Workshop Invites to Closing Event in Theatrical Season
Moscow Poly ends theatrical season of the creative workshop on May 15. Artists in the framework of participation in the International Festival of Amateur and Folk Theatres, Artistic Speech and Actor’s Song. F.G. Ranevskaya show two performances. Spectators are waiting for the premiere of the ...
Moscow Poly Students Became Prize Winners in “Spring 1945”
Moscow Poly Students Became Prize Winners in “Spring 1945”
Students of Moscow Poly Ivanteev affiliation became prize winners in the XVI youth patriotic contest “Vesna 45 Goda” (“Spring 1945”) in the “Costume – 40s Style” nomination.
Moscow Poly to Hold Reading Night on April 27
Moscow Poly to Hold Reading Night on April 27
William Shakespeare`s birthday – April 23 – is an international reading night. This traditional event is aimed at promoting reading among wide audience. Moscow Poly decided to not stand aside and is going to hold an evening devoted to good literature on April 27.
Moscow Poly Curators Help Freshmen Adapt to University
Moscow Poly Curators Help Freshmen Adapt to University
Curator is the first person who the first-year students meet when they get admitted to the University. They help students adapt to the University environment, establish good relations with other students, and eventually become their friends and mentors. The head of the “Moscow Poly Curators” ...
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