July 2023

Moscow Poly Awarded Post-Graduate Diplomas to 20 Graduates

Moscow Poly held a diploma award ceremony where post-graduate students received their diplomas. The educational documents were awarded by the heads and deans of faculties and institute, scientific advisors and teachers.

Moscow Poly vice-president for academic affairs Anton Nalivaiko addressed the graduates with a farewell speech:

“Today is an important control point. You will receive a document that certifies that you are a high-quality specialists. Some of you will proceed with your career at the university in science or teaching, and others will engage into working activity in the commercial sector. I`m sure that Moscow Poly diploma doesn`t only certify a high level knowledge in the subject field, but also characterized you as top-notch specialists that are able to adapt to the challenges of time. I wish you success in the future, it`s in your hands!” – said Anton Nalivaiko.

The head of Centre for Training Specialists of Highest Qualification Elena Dikova also pointed out the high training level of specialists:

Doctoral studies is the path for the future of any candidate of sciences. Having chosen this path, you as the beginning researches tied up your lives with science and teaching. Behind your shoulders are bachelor and master studies. Not everyone is able to go this long and complicated scientific path. My congratulation!

Postdoctoral diplomas were awarded to 20 graduates. The ceremony ended with an unbothered interaction and a photo session for graduates.

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