April 2022

120 People Participated in Case Championship Finals

VI Regional Case Championship in business solution sphere took place at Moscow Poly a few days ago. 120 students from schools, colleges and HEIs in Moscow and Moscow region took part in the event.

In the course of the championship, the participants have gained experience in solving certain business tasks. First, they had to find solutions to the cases provided by such reputable enterprises as Sberbank, Mvideo and Ozon. After that, the teams moved to video introductions, presented their own cases, answered jury`s questions and held management battles and debates.

As was pointed out by the championship organizing committee – representatives of ‘Management’ department under Moscow Poly faculty of economics and management:
“Participants of the Championship got an opportunity to improve their creativity and critical thinking, acquire the skills of working in team, try on entrepreneurship and solve real life business cases. Besides, it was a chance to present their own business project that would be evaluated by practicing specialists”.

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