“Priority 2030”: 15 young scientists from Moscow Polytech to receive a grant named after V.E.Fortov

The best projects of University’s young scientists were chosen for the third time at Moscow Polytech. The projects approved by jury will receive support from the grant competition named after V.E. Fortov (Round 3). Only university employees could become participants. The competition is being held in the framework of the Development Program of the University and the Strategic Academic Leadership “Priority 2030” program.
One of the main conditions is that the project, submitted for the competition, must correspond to one or several areas of research or developments: sensor technology, intelligent control systems, electric vehicle industry, software for technical systems, highly automated machine building.
The jury included representatives of the scientific administration, deans of the specialized faculties and heads of departments.
The following young scientists received the grants:
Arifa Ashrafi, the project title: Expanding communication capabilities with a convenient multilingual sign language dictionary (Field of study: Intelligent Control Systems);
Maxim Bogush, the project title: NeoPixel. Modern additive equipment (Field of study: Highly automated machine building);
Vladislav Vereshagin, the project title: information intelligent color management system for multilayer polymer systems taking into account the architecture of the layers (Field of study: Intelligent Control Systems);
Nikita Vorobyov, the project title: Development of methods for collecting and evaluating contextual data based on machine learning (Field of study: Intelligent Control Systems);
Artyom Gnibeda, the project title: Development of a software module for evaluating the quality of printed products based on methods for evaluating detailed accuracy (Field of study: Software of Technical Systems);
Yegor Klimov, the project title: Wireless charger for Electric Vehicle (Field of study: Electric Vehicle Industry);
Xenia Kononenko, the project title: Development of an intelligent system for automated recognition of the antinuclear factor in medical images (Field of study: Intelligent Control Systems);
Sergey Kuzovov, the project title: Development of an intelligent defect recognition system based on the synthesis of machine vision systems and fuzzy logic to improve the reliability of automated production processes (Field of study: Highly Automated Machine Building);
Sergey Makovey, the project title: Methods of management and organization of network systems with adaptive process models based on causal analysis (Field of study: Intelligent Control Systems);
Ilya Ol’kov, the project title: Large language models for high-level decision-making (Field of study: Intelligent Control Systems);
Ekaterina Savelyeva: the project title: Creation of a methodology for the implementation of VR systems in intelligent control systems (Field of study: Intelligent Control Systems);
Alexey Sivtsev, the project title: Development of the “Autopilot” decision support system (Field of study: Intelligent Control Systems, Software for Technical Systems);
Maxim Slezko, the project title: Technology for creating antifriction thin–film magnetron coatings based on Cu-Mo composite material for electric vehicle parts (Field of study: Electric Vehicle Industry);
Elizaveta Striga, the project title: The problems of overcoming digital inequality: the creation of a communication platform for people with visual and hearing disabilities (Field of study: Software for Technical Systems);
Igor Tchaikin, the project title: Optimization of the built-in software of the traction battery and the electric vehicle engine control system for operation in a city taxi (Field of study: Electric Vehicle Industry).
Reference: Vladimir Fortov (1946-2020) - a Soviet and Russian physicist, President of the Russian Academy of Science (2013-2017), Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in 1996-1997, Minister of Science and Technologies of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Science and Technologies (1996-1998).