
Sustainable Development


Moscow Polytechnic University (Moscow Polytech) is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Russia, as well as an advanced scientific and engineering center. The University makes a significant contribution to solution of the problems posed to modern humanity, having included into the agenda the implementation of principles of sustainable development, which is becoming increasingly important for the future of the planet.

Today, universities play a significant role in the life of modern society.  By implementing three main missions of the University (education, science and contribution to society), Moscow Polytech responds to new challenges, implementing the principles of sustainable development through the prism of social responsibility, ecological stability and safety, as well as governance.

The Program “Priority 2030” of the University includes policies in the sphere of science, education and corporate management, which underscores the commitment of the University to the principles of sustainable development. The University pays attention to the fields that correspond not only to the University’s Development Program, national goals and strategies, but also reflect global trends in education, the scientific sector, economics and business.

Moscow Polytech integrates national development goals of the Russian Federation and the goals of sustainable development into its internal environment. By building business processes in the sphere of education and science, we strive to keep up the balance between stable provision of personnel to the labor market, a decent quality of life for the employees, high quality of education and scientific research, and positive impact on society upon the whole.

We take a responsible approach to our impact on the environment; efficiently utilize energy, develop environmental culture among students, academic staff, and administrative staff teams.  We propose educational programs that are adapted to new realities and help to solve problems related to the industrial development of society.
We supply personnel to the labor market, contributing to the achievement of national sustainable development goals in Russia and for the benefit of the whole world. These are the specialists, having an active social position, as well as possessing project work experience in various fileds, including in computer sciences and IT, engineering and management, in creative fields (journalists and designers), and other areas.

Starting from 2020, the Supervisory Board of Moscow Polytech hears annual results of the Development Program and analyzes the activity of the University. Its tasks include monitoring of the University functioning for compliance with the obligations taken within the framework of the program “Priority 2030” and the recommendations of the Supervisory Board and the Ministry of Education and Science, including on issues of responsible financing, labor protection, health, social responsibility, environmental protection and corporate governance. 

  • We involve students who are members of the Academic Council into management of the University. Active interaction is implemented between the principals of the University and the United Council of Students, volunteer and other students’ associations, with involvement of the Trade Union organization.
  • The University team pays special attention to the development of comfortable and safe environment, including cybersecurity, and promotes the sustainable development agenda in various areas of the University. The high quality of corporate governance at Moscow Polytech, establishing the conditions and opportunities for self-realization and talents development in combination with worthy and efficient education, teaching, work and entrepreneurship, is the most important part of our approach to sustainable development.   
  • We are taking care of students, employees and partners, by making our services convenient, developing thrifty and customer-centric management culture. Simplicity and speed of obtaining services, the system of information exchange are becoming convenient and efficient for all stakeholders, which increases the satisfaction of university residents.
  • Our activities include the best applicants, bachelors, specialists, masters, postgraduates, teachers, research ers, engineers and technologists, experts and business partners. Moscow Polytech for this purpose provides inclusive, fair and supportive working environment, aimed at maintaining health and wellbeing.

As an educational institution and a research center, Moscow Polytech offers students and young researchers a wide choice of educational programs and opportunities for research, thus helping them to realize their potential, build a successful carrier, and, what is especially important, give knowledge and competencies, which allow them to benefit people and our planet. 

Educational Ecosystem of Moscow Polytech

Students: 13 600+ (including 1 500+ foreign students from more than 69 countries)
Teaching Staff: 867 people (including about 50% women)
Educational Programs: 275+
Industrial Partners: 750+

  • Allows a prompt response to the requests of the companies in the real sector of the economy regarding practical training of specialists and offers project-based learning aimed at, among others, solution of tasks in the fields of sustainable development, at the development of environmental thinking among students, employees and representatives of the local community. Competencies are developed in the fields of upgrading digital, engineering and entrepreneurial skills with a focus on the future of Russian and the worldwide business landscape in the format of sustainable development.
  • Offers students, teaching staff and researchers to engage in teamwork, to develop advanced competencies with the skills of the project approach and thrifty attitude towards resources, to increase their professionalism and readiness for transformations, to develop aspiration to make the world around better, more environmentally friendly and safe.
  • Offers educational programs reflecting the “sustainable agenda”, including at the following faculties: transport and mechanical engineering, economics and management, chemical technologies and biotechnologies, information technologies, as well as at the advanced engineering school of electric transport and in the field of additional professional education.
  • Offers Olympiads implemented through the interaction of lecturers from various programs and faculties, including the international ones, such as the International Olympiad of the Association “Global Universities” (Open Doors).
  • Supports cooperation of researchers and practitioners with the accent on partnerships with representatives of the real economy sector, offers international internships.
  • Expands the audience on account of sharing the best practices and experience with regions, as well as by supporting interaction at the international level, taking into account national interests, as well as the goals and risks of sustainable development (International Educational Conference “Ecological Safety and Sustainability of Social Development”, (March 22, 2024 ).

Priority Research Areas:

  • Electric vehicles
  • Highly-automated mechanical engineering
  • Engineering systems software
  • Intelligent control systems
  • Sensor technologies

Also, among scientific and technological areas of development are:

  • Environmental engineering and reducing the carbon footprint
  • Advanced transport technologies
  • Creation of transportation system for new types of fuel
  • Development of adaptive optics systems for laser technologies
  • Development of promissing audio-visual technologies and new types of digital publications

The Decree "On the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and for the future up to 2036" (May 7, 2024) incorporates the number of areas, related to provision of sustainable economic and social development of the country, where also great role is assigned to educational entities.

Still relevant remain 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which were adopted by the UN Member States in 2015 within the framework of The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations. SDG is a universal call for action to eradicate poverty, protect our planet, improve the quality of life and improve prospects for all people around the world”.

SDG at Moscow Polytech (SDG3: Good Health and Well-being)

SDG at Moscow Polytech (SDG4: Quality Education)

New partnerships in the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East countries expand the horizon and the agenda of sustainable development is becoming more relevant, in connection with which the Ministry of Labor developed the project “On the approval of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of sustainable development”.

Moscow Polytech offers the programs that are already aimed at training specialists connected with sustainable development, such as the programs in the sphere of Technosphere Safety, among others.

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