November 2022

XI Moscow International Biennale for Modern Arts

The Moscow International Biennale for Modern Arts is one of the main projects in the sphere of modern culture that have been held under assistance of Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation since 2005.

The IXth Moscow biennale will be held under the Ministry of Culture [of the Russian Federation] and the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives in the period between 8 November 2022 to 15 January 2023 at the State Tretyakov`s Gallety (Novaya Tretyakovka, Krymsky Val st., 10, West Wing).

29 authors participate in the project.

Moscow Poly would like to draw attention that visits to Moscow biennale, and the Russian State Library of Arts that is located in west wing of the Novaya Treryakovka are free for students (upon showing the student ID).

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